Here is my attempt at a “perfect install” on my laptop (Inspiron 17 R) of Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr.
I’ve kept notes as I installed. If it helps you, you can follow along and see what I did.
- Going through the install Wizard
- Using the Restore Files option
- List of directories restored
- Restoring Network Manager
- Restoring Gnome Keyring and combining keyrings
- Chrome
- Network Manager/VPNs
- Skype
- FileZilla
- WINS Name Resolution
- Remmina
- Java
Part 4: Programming Environments
- Gvim
- Git
- Brackets
- Java
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Plugins
- Android Development
- SQL Developer
- Visual Media: Shutter, Gimp, Inkscape, Xournal
- Audio Media: Audacity, MuseScore
- Video: Mplayer, VLC, Kdenlive, Openshot, Avidmux, Cheese
- Codecs
- Virtualbox
- Virtualbox Extensions
- Nvidia Prime
- Bumblebee
Part 8: Misc Utilities & Settings
- Compression
- Shutdown & Reboot from Unity
- Multi-Screen Setup
- MenuLibre
- Suspend Setting
- Online Accounts
- Synaptic
- Y PPA Manager
- Compiz Setting Manager
- Unity Tweak Tool
- Menus Setting
Note: If you want to see my other installs, check out the Inspiron 17R Page.