I had an error today trying to download maps for Arkansas. I wish I could provide a fix, but all I can do at this point is raise awareness to the error.

The error read:
Error reading http://geonames.usgs.gov/docs/stategaz/AL_DECI.zip (An error occurred during negotiation).
I did find a bug open on the issue:
Testing the SVN checkout
svn co https://roadnav.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/roadnav roadnav
When I ran ./configure, I got an error message about wxWindows. It said “checking for wxconfig… no”. I found that I needed to install libwxgtk2.6-dev (apt-get install libwxgtk2.6-dev). I also installed the 2.8 version. I don’t know which it used.
Here is how I compiled it — libroadnav first.
cd $HOME/bin/roadnav/libroadnav/trunck
./configure –prefix=$HOME/bin/roadnav
make install
Now just roadnav
cd $HOME/bin/roadnav/roadav/trunk
./configure –with-libroadnav=$HOME/bin/roadnav –prefix=$HOME/bin/roadnav
make install