Here is my attempt at a “perfect install” on my laptop (Inspiron 17 R) of Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet.
- Installing
- Restore Files
Part 2: Utilities and Configuration
- MenuLibre
- KeePass
- Compression
- Monitor Settings
- Synaptic
- Y PPA Manager
- Compiz Settings Manager
- TRIM for my Solid State Drive
- Unity Tweak Tool
- Appearance Tweak
- Chrome
- Network Manager/VPNs
- Skype
- Zoom
- Dropbox
- FileZilla
- Remmina
- Xiphos
- LibreOffice
- Virtualbox
- VMware View
- Shutter
- Gimp
- Inkscape
- Xournal
- Audacity
- MuseScore
- mplayer
- vlc
- kdenlive
- openshot
- avidmux
- cheese
- codecs
- Gvim
- Git
- Brackets
- Node JS
- Java
- Soap UI
- Java FX Scene Builder
- Eclipse
- Android
- SQL Developer