This is my first post in the series for installing Ubuntu 16.04 on my Inspiron 17R laptop. In this step, I am mainly just restoring files and putting the data back after formatting the drive.
Series Navigation:
- Next: Internet
- Series Overview
I didn’t take screenshots of the install process. I just basically accepted the defaults.
Restoring files
These are the directories that I restored. Maybe it will give you an idea of things you may want to restore if you do the same thing.
- ~/.ssh: The keys for my remote ssh connections — most important because of backuppc restoring
- ~/Documents: This is where I put all my document files
- ~/Pictures: I have Shotwell pointed at this directory, so it contains all the pictures from my cell phone and digital camera
- ~/GideonTaylor: I keep my work files in a different directory
- ~/.config/google-chrome: The settings for Chrome (extensions, bookmarks, etc) (or, ~/.config/google-chrome-beta)
- ~/.local/share/keyrings: My saved passwords
- ~/.Skype: Skype history
- ~/.remmina: The settings for my remote connections
- ~/.local/share/shotwell: The settings and thumbnails for my photos
- ~/.sword: The downloaded Bible files for Xiphos (and the underlying Sword library)
- ~/.filezilla: The settings for my FTP connections
- ~/.sqldeveloper: The connection settings for SQL developer
- ~/.vim: stores the plugins installed in Gvim
- ~/.vimrc: preferences for Gvim
- /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections: this saves all of my wireless connections and VPN connections
My backup this time was located on an external USB drive. I also had a BackupPC installation, but I didn’t restore a lot from it. For smaller directories/files, just copy and paste works fine. For larger directories, it was better to use grsync, which I installed from Ubuntu Software.
Shortcuts / Menu Entries
I had a couple of items that I had added to help me get to Vmware View machines. Unfortunately, I didn’t remember the exact commandline. Instead of looking it up again, I found that I could copy the .desktop files from the directory:
- ~/.local/share/applications
I’m not going through the whole configuration of the server. In this case, I just need it to connect and begin to back up the laptop after my install.
I checked the version of my apps:
$rsync --version rsync version 3.1.1 protocol version 31
First, SSH is not enabled on Ubuntu 16.04 by default. I had to install it:
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
Then, I generated the keys with this command (left the passphrase blank)
sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa
On my backup server, the backuppc user’s home directory is /var/lib/backuppc (you can confirm in the /etc/passwd file). Using vi, I copied the contents of /root/.ssh/ on the client to /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/known_hosts. I’m not sure this step worked … on my test I had to remove the pistachio key (maybe I should have done that first):
ssh-keygen -f "/var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/known_hosts" -R pistachio
Then, I opened up /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on my laptop (client) and pasted the contents of /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/ from the server. In the end, Copy and Paste in a text editor wasn’t good enough. I had to scp the file across between the computers.
I verified security on the directory:
sudo chmod -R go-rwx /root/.ssh
Finally, I tested as the backuppc user on the backup server:
sudo su backuppc ssh -l root pistachio whoami
To troubleshoot, I ran the server with debugging messages as root:
service ssh stop /usr/sbin/sshd -d
Next time, I will configure Backup PC to backup the root .ssh directory to avoid having to reconfigure all of this.
Next Steps
If you want to follow along with my install process, you can check out the next post: Ubuntu 16.04 — Internet.