I have been wanting to try my hand at an open source project. The new project is ContactDB.
First, I had to create my SSH key. I followed the OpenSSH instructions here.
This is the command that I used to create the key:
ssh-keygen -t dsa -C "myusername@shell.sourceforge.net"
- Remember to replace the “myusername” with your actual user name.
- I used the default location to save the key (/home/myuser/.ssh/id_dsa)
- I entered a passphrase.
Once I had the key generated, I opened the file in a text editor: /home/myuser/.ssh/id_dsa.pub and copied the new line that I just created. On my account page at SourceForge, under the section “Host Access Information”, I clicked “Edit SSH keys for Shell/CVS”. I pasted the line that I copied into the large textbox and clicked update.
I couldn’t do the initial import in Eclipse for some reason. So, from the command line:
CVS_RSH=ssh; export CVS_RSH export CVSROOT=:ext:myusername@contactsdb.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/contactsdb cvs import -m "initial project files" contactsdb initial start
In Eclipse, I created a new workspace. Then, I created a new project (File, New Project …). For the type, I chose CVS, Projects from CVS.
Next, it asked me for the repository location information (remember to substitute contactsdb with your project name):
- Host: contactsdb.cvs.sourceforge.net
- Repository path: /cvsroot/contactsdb
- User: you user name
- Password: the password you set in the SSH key generation
- Connection Type: extssh
- Port: Use default port
Next, Eclipse asked me to select a module. I chose the “Use specified module name”, and I chose my project name for the module (“ContactsDB”).
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