I found that the xrandr features did not work with my NVidia driver in my old laptop. I had to use the nvidia-settings tool, which worked with shortcomings. But, my new laptop has an Intel video card. The xrandr works with it.
Here are the commands that are working for me:
switching to dual monitors
xrandr --output VGA --auto --output LVDS --auto --right-of VGA
What did not work:
- Leaves a black section on three quarters of the bottom of my laptop LCD panel.
- only puts the applications menu and application switcher on the external Monitor — I would rather it be on the LCD panel
- Only displays the monitor at 1024×768 @60hz. I need it higher than 60hz for the flicker.
switching back to a single monitor
xrandr --output VGA --off
What did not work:
- did not move my windows back to the center, may have been because it thought they were on the left screen.
Changes to xorg.conf
I had to add the virtual setting in the Screen section. Also, I had to add the mode to make the monitor use a 85hz instead of 60hz.
What did not work:
- I have to start XWindows with the external monitor unplugged. Otherwise, the laptop uses the 1024×768 setting from the monitor for the laptop screen, which is normally 1440×900.
Regarding the position of the toolbars, I found that annoying, too..
You can use the commands:
me@sharpie:~$ gconftool -s /apps/panel/toplevels/top_panel_screen0/monitor 1 –type=int
me@sharpie:~$ gconftool -s /apps/panel/toplevels/top_panel_screen0/monitor 0 –type=int
to move the panels (applications menu and switcher) between monitors.
You may have to look in gconf-editor under /apps/panel/toplevels to see the exact names of your Gnome panels – I also have a bottom_panel, too.