I have noticed this nice little indicator-applet on the panel at the top of my Ubuntu screen, but I haven’t had much chance to use it. I found the specs for it here. By default, Skype and GMail don’t integrate into it, so I am looking for solutions. I thought I would look for GMail first:
KCheckMail is one option, but it is for KDE.
The next hit I found was a little bit unusual. Psi is another chatting application, and in the psi-plus-plugins, there is a GMail checker. I found an interesting article describing the application and a link to configuring with GMail. Come to find out, Google has some instructions, too.
Gnome-Gmail-Notifier is another option. The Main Website has a little more information, but from the screenshots, it looks like it creates a system tray icon rather than using the indicator applet.
The Gmail-Notify program is a python/gtk option (not to be confused with the GMail-Notifier only available on Windows). It’s goal is to provide an alternative for Google’s Windows only program.
The next item is not really a notifier applet: prism-google-mail. It is actually a Prism application. This installs the GMail webapp listed in the bundles section.
CheckGmail is the next option. From what I can tell, it only looks like it works with a system tray icon.
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin is an option for XFCE.
KGmailNotifier is an option for KDE.
desktop-webmail looks like an interesting tool even though it isn’t a notifier. The Gnome-GMail mentioned in the article looks like another thing to research although I didn’t see it in the repositories.
conduit is a tool that I had seen before. It is not a notifier, but a cool app nonetheless.
mail-notification looks more generic but is a notifier.
cgmail is another option. Again, it looks like it only creates a systray icon.
I also did a little searching on this, and apparently, I am not the only one asking this question — Ubuntu Forums: gmail in indicator-applet
The thread mentions gm-notify as an option that uses the indicator applet. It is not in the repositories, but you can add it using Software Sources. Add “ppa:gm-notify-maintainers/ppa”. Then, you can install the package. Here is what it looks like:
My next step is to check out this article to try to integrate Skype into the mix. Before I upgraded, I had been using Cairo-Dock. My quick search didn’t show the indicator applet for it, but I did see an article about AWN supporting the indicator applet. I will have to put some more time into that.
best solution, IMO?
conky + conkygmail = smooth andinobtrusive dsktop background gmail watcher.