This is a continuation of my series of notes on my install of Ubuntu 15.04 on my laptop. The full list of posts is on this page. Previously, in the last post, I installed some media programs. In this post, I’ll install the programming tools that I use.
I really like using the Gvim text editor for many editing tasks. It’s not a full fledged IDE, but it’s great for single files. It’s a simple install from the Software Center — the vim-gnome package.
I have some plugins in my plugin directories and a customized configuration. So, I restored my ~/.vim directory and /.vimrc. I changed the directory for the backup files as well. I have this in my .vimrc:
set bdir=~/.vimtmp set directory=~/.vimtmp
So, I needed to create a ~/.vimtmp directory.
I use Git for tracking my source code changes for a few projects. I don’t work in it that much, so it is nice to have a GUI for certain things. The git-cola package has done that nicely in the past. Installing it also installs the actual git application.
I used WebUpd8’s repository to install Brackets:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/brackets sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install brackets
After installing the main application, I installed the “Brackets Git” plugin.
Node JS
I have been doing a bit of web programming, and Node JS seems to come up constantly. For example, everything wants to be installed with bower. I tried to use Bower PHP for a bit, but I quite fighting it. I’ll just install bower even if I don’t have it on my website. I shouldn’t be developing there anyway.
So, this installs: Node JS, the NPM installer, Bower, and Protractor
sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node sudo apt-get install npm sudo npm install bower -g sudo npm install -g protractor
Note: For some reason, the package installs node as nodejs. I had to run the ln command to make a link to node. Bower wouldn’t work without that.
Here are the versions:
$ nodejs --version v0.10.25 $ bower --version 1.5.2 $ protractor --version Version 2.2.0
I found that version 0.12 is released, and there are some nice instructions for installing that. I didn’t go down that path.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
I installed the Oracle 8 installer because SQL Developer says it needs it.
Soap UI
Downloaded from the Soap UI website. Ran
Note: didn’t use sudo.
To test from the command-line:
/bin/sh “/home/skp/SmartBear/SoapUI-5.2.0/bin/SoapUI-5.2.0”
I got a core dump, so I tried this:
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="" /bin/sh "/home/skp/SmartBear/SoapUI-5.2.0/bin/SoapUI-5.2.0"
I updated my shortcut with MenuLibre to include that variable:
After that, it worked just fine.
JavaFX Scene Builder
Apparently, the Scene Builder from Oracle is gone. Instead Gluon has taken on maintaining a fork of the Scene Builder. They now offer a Linux Deb file on their Download Page.
Ubuntu Make: Eclipse & Android
Since the last time I installed Eclipse, Ubuntu has now come out with Ubuntu Make. So, I decided to give that a whirl.
I ran these commands
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make umake ide eclipse umake android
The only question that it asked was the path where to install…
Choose installation path: /home/skp/tools/ide/eclipse
Choose installation path: /home/skp/tools/android/android-studio
I was a little disappointment. On the Eclipse Download page, it looks like the version is a little behind.
After opening Eclipse, I installed the plugins from Help > Install New Software. (using Luna –
- Collaboration > Command Line Interface for Java Implementation of Git
- Collaboration > Eclipse Git Team Provider
- Collaboration > Eclipse GitHub Integration with task focused interface
- Collaboration > Java Implementation of Git
- Collaboration > Java Implementation of Git – optional Java 7 libraries
- Collaboration > Mylyn Context Connector: Eclipse IDE
- Collaboration > Mylyn Context Connector: Java Development
- Collaboration > Mylyn Context Connector: Plug-in Development
- Collaboration > Mylyn Task List
- Collaboration > Mylyn Task-Focused Interface
- Collaboration > Mylyn Versions Connector: Git
- General Purpose Tools > Swing Designer
- General Purpose Tools > Swing Designer Documentation
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > Eclipse Web Developer Tools
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > Javascript Development Tools
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > PHP Development Tools
Finally, to make developing with Java FX easier, I installed the e(fx)clipse plugin for Eclipse. Their install page is pretty good and detailed.
I just added two sites to Window > Preferences under Install/Update > Available Software:
On the Install Dialog (Help > Install Software), I picked e(fx)clipse – install > e(fx)clipse – IDE. Then, I just let it do it’s thing.
I can’t get the 2.0 or the 2.1 versions to install in Luna. I had to install the 1.2 version.
SQL Developer
I downloaded SQL Developer from Oracle’s SQL Developer website. They are on version now. I downloaded the “Other Platforms” version. Then, I used the sqldeveloper-package program to install it.
sudo apt-get install sqldeveloper-package make-sqldeveloper-package -b output \ sqldeveloper*.zip sudo dpkg -i sqldeveloper*all.deb
Note: on my first attempt, I got this error:
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: debhelper (>= 7)
I fixed that with:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Meld is an important tool for comparing text files. I use it mostly for comparing source code or programming-related projects, so it fell under this category. It’s an easy install from the Software Center.
SmartBear Community: Soapui not starting on Ubuntu 15.04
Stackoverflow: Where is the JavaFX scene builder gone?
Ubuntu Wiki: ubuntu-make
StackOverflow: Installing Bower on Ubuntu