Category: Great Links

Two Great Reviews

Today, I found two great reviews with a nice list of software to watch or install.

First, Linux Format Magazine published a posting announcing the releasing of Ubuntu 7.10, which included a review of the release:

Not only does the author describe his experience with installing the new version, but he also provides some nice ideas for software to install such as vlc, k3b, Kino, ardour, Google Earth & Desktop, VMWare Server, and MythTV.

Another article I found from Linux Format Magazine was about installing Slackware:

The Perfect Desktop — Slackware 12

This article also listed numerous software install ideas along with detailed explanations on how to install the system.  The article also points out that the HowToForge also has other similar articles for other distributions.  I haven’t tried it but the Linux Distribution Chooser sounded very interesting too.

Link: Migrating to Linux

InfoWorld’s Zack Urlocker pointed out 3 tools to aide in migrating data from Windows to Linux in his article Moving from Windows to Linux.

Three Tools

  1. Ubuntu: has built-in tools to move the information from Windows
  2. MoveOver
  3. Desktop Migration Agent

These tools look very interesting. I think a database of applications would be more helpful for me. I don’t have as much trouble moving my data from one place to another, but finding Linux applications to replace the Windows applications is where I have the most trouble.

Interestingly enough, I came across this article shortly after. The section “The application situation” had some very helpful tips including this source:

The table of equivalents / replacements / analogs of Windows software in Linux.