This is a continuation of my notes on installing Ubuntu 16.04. In this post, I install the programs that I use for programming and technical work.
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Basic Tools
Here are a few basic tools that I use that are easy to install:
- GVim: Power text editor — vim is the CLI version, and vim-gnome is the GUI version (I like both for different situations)
- Git: Version control system … git-cola is the GUI client, installs CLI program as a dependency
- Meld: compare tool like “Beyond Compare”, etc. nautilus-compare is an add on to launch from the file manager
sudo apt-get install \ vim \ vim-gnome \ git-cola \ meld \ nautilus-compare
For vim, I have some plugins in my plugin directories and a customized configuration. So, I restored my ~/.vim directory and /.vimrc. I changed the directory for the backup files as well. I have this in my .vimrc:
set bdir=~/.vimtmp set directory=~/.vimtmp
So, I needed to create a ~/.vimtmp directory.
Web Development
Brackets has become my favorite editor for developing Angular, Javascript, and HTML. It is an IDE build by Adobe.
I used WebUpd8’s repository to install Brackets:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/brackets sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install brackets
Note: If you don’t install from WebUpd8’s repository, you will need to download and install the libgcrypt11 package from an older version of Ubuntu. See WebUpd8’s article for more information, but I just installed the 64-bit one from here. (I had to do that to test an issue with Brackets 1.7).
After installing the main Brackets application, I installed the following plugins:
- Brackets Bower
- brackets-file-tree-exclude
- Grunt for Brackets
- Brackets Git
- Brackets TypeScript (François de Campredon)
- Brackets-Gulp
I keep Node JS for various tools such as npm and bower. I’ve quit trying to use Bower PHP.
So, this installs: Node JS, the NPM installer, Bower, and Protractor
sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node sudo apt-get install npm sudo npm install bower -g sudo npm install -g protractor sudo npm install -g gulp
Note: For some reason, the package installs node as nodejs. I had to run the ln command to make a link to node. Previously I had learned that Bower wouldn’t work without that.
Here are the versions:
$ nodejs --version v4.2.6 $ bower --version 1.7.9 $ protractor --version Version 3.3.0
FYI: In order to list the versions, I used the ls command:
$ npm -g ls --depth=0 /usr/local/lib ├── bower@1.7.9 ├── gulp@3.9.1 ├── jspm@0.16.35 ├── protractor@3.3.0 ├── typescript@1.8.10 └── typings@1.0.4
I dropped off installing Java 7. I just used Web Upd8’s repository.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Soap UI
I downloaded Soap UI from their website.
I just ran the shell script without sudo/root access.
I accepted the defaults going through the wizard. On the previous version of Ubuntu, I had to add a parameter to the SoapUI shortcut to get it to work, but I didn’t have to do that this time.
As a note to myself, I’ll have to try Storm later.
Gluon Scene Developer
I downloaded the Scene Developer from the Gluon website. I downloaded the 64-bit version, and installed it from the commandline with:
sudo dpkg -i scenebuilder-8.2.0_x64_64.deb
I found an issue link claiming that the Eclipse Mars Release was added to Ubuntu Make. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get Make to install Eclipse at all. So, I just went the manual route. In fact, I found that Eclipse now has an installer to make matters easier.
tar -xzvf eclipse-inst-linux64.tar.gz cd eclipse-installer ./eclipse-inst
I accepted the defaults on the installer.
Update 6/8/2016: To get it to fully work, I had to update the eclipse.ini file as I learned from an AskUbuntu post. I updated eclipse/java-latest-released/eclipse/eclipse.ini, and added the following two lines after the first two:
--launcher.GTK_version 2
After opening Eclipse, I installed the plugins from Help > Install New Software. (using Luna –
- Collaboration > Command Line Interface for Java Implementation of Git
- Collaboration > Eclipse GitHub Integration with task focused interface
- Collaboration > Java Implementation of Git
- Mylyn Integrations > Mylyn Context Connector: Eclipse IDE
- Mylyn Integrations > Mylyn Context Connector: Java Development
- Mylyn Integrations > Mylyn Context Connector: Plug-in Development
- Mylyn Features > Mylyn Task List
- Mylyn Features > Mylyn Task-Focused Interface
- Mylyn Integrations > Mylyn Versions Connector: Git
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > Eclipse Web Developer Tools
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > Javascript Development Tools
- Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development > PHP Development Tools
Finally, to make developing with Java FX easier, I installed the e(fx)clipse plugin for Eclipse. Their install page is pretty good and detailed.
I just added two sites to Window > Preferences under Install/Update > Available Software:
On the Install Dialog (Help > Install Software), I picked e(fx)clipse – install > e(fx)clipse – IDE. Then, I just let it do it’s thing.
SQL Developer
I downloaded SQL Developer from Oracle’s SQL Developer website. They are on version now. I downloaded the “Other Platforms” version. Then, I used the sqldeveloper-package program to install it.
sudo apt-get install sqldeveloper-package make-sqldeveloper-package -b output \ sqldeveloper*.zip sudo dpkg -i sqldeveloper*all.deb