Just recently, I came across a very interesting evaluation of Ubuntu from a Mac User’s perspective:
Two Days Without Mac OS X Leopard: Ubuntu 8.10 Review
One of the most interesting things is how a supposed Linux newbie can point out applications that I hadn’t heard of even though I have been working with Linux for quite some time. I don’t if that is a mark against me or if there is something to be said for fresh perspectives.
I noticed the part about Quicksilver, but Gnome-Do was not mentioned until the comments. Should Gnome-Do be installed by defaults or should the settings have something there that would install it when enabled?
The fonts was interesting, and I went through the tutorial that he mentioned.
Also, the mumbles was interesting. I am giving that one a try too.
I have noticed issues with the sound, and it is nice to know that I am not the only one having those issues. I thought maybe it was the hardware on my PC.