I decided it was time for a whole new post listing the latest Android 4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich ROMS for the HD2 phone. A few new ones have popped up since my last list.Currently, I have been following Tytung’s ROMs. I am on his NexusHD2-ICS-CM9 v1.2. So, here is a list of links relating to his ROMs:
- Nexus HD2 Website: This has links to all of Tytung’s different ROMs. It is the best place to go to check for updates and find what you want.
- XDA Thread for CM9 SD Version
- XDA Thread for CM9 NAND Version
- XDA Thread for AOSP Version
Here are a few more other ROMs out there:
- IceCreamTosti: This ROM has some cool unlock screen tweaks from the screenshots. I haven’t tried it, but it looks cool.
- Michie’s ROM: Has a few different cool features
- Ankuch’s ROM: SD Version
- Jama’s ROM
Note: SportsStar89’s ROM is discontinued. According to this post, he doesn’t have a working HD2 anymore. Apparently, he dropped it, cracked the digitizer, and broke it more trying to repair it.
I have picked up a number of source sites from these links that would be handy for creating a ROM.
- Android Open Kang Project: Source for IceCreamTosti
- MeDroid ICS Project Site: Source for Tytung’s ROMs
I can’t forget to mention the HD2 ROM site that lists all of the ROMs out there: HTC HD2 Android Roms/Builds.