Category: Online Services

Software to Watch: Big Blue Button

I happened across some Open Source software called Big Blue Button.  It looks like it might be an alternative to WebEx, but you have to setup and host the server piece yourself.

I liked the page talking about the open source software that they build upon.  There were several projects I was familiar with and several that I hadn’t heard of.  I am always looking for new tools for the toolbox!

Why would I be looking for an alternative for WebEx?  Well, because of answers like this: no support for productivity tools.  Also because of no support for Ubuntu 64bit.  I can’t blame WebEx though — they only develop for where the market is.  And, to their credit, they have increased support for Linux.  I have it working now, and that is what counts.

More Resources

WebEx working again in Ubuntu 9.10-64bit!

It seems like this is the pattern with me and WebEx.  I tinker to get it working, I upgrade, it breaks, repeat.  Well, my most recent fling through this cycle started with a broken hard drive.  Actually, several things started it.  First, I originally thought my laptop had a 32-bit processor.  When I found out the new version of PeopleSoft requires a 64-bit OS, I did some research and found that it was actually a 64-bit processor.  Then, when I sent the laptop off to have the hard drive replaced, I figured that was the time to put 64-bit Ubuntu on it.

So, that is how it started, and then, I couldn’t get WebEx to work.  I got Eclipse to work on 64-bit Java, Java worked in the browser, and everything was fine.  I didn’t want to try to pull it all out and reinstall the 32-bit Java just to get WebEx working.  So, I decided to attempt to try to install the 64-bit and 32-bit versions side by side.  With some help, I got it to work:

Ubuntu Forums: 32-bit and 64-bit Firefox at the same time

The first step was installing Java.  It was pretty simple and straight forward.  I downloaded it from Sun’s website.  Essentially, you just extract it and set your environment variables to use it.  The path I chose was $HOME/bin/java.

Next, I found that you cannot use the 32-bit version of Java with the 64-bit version of Firefox.  Firefox throws out all of the 32-bit plugins with this message: “wrong ELF class”.    So, I installed Firefox by downloading it from Firefox’s website.  I extracted it to $HOME/bin/java/firefox.

The next key was linking the Java plugin in the path where Firefox would see it.  First, I linked the plugin into plugins directory:

ln -s $JAVA_HOME/lib/i386/

Once in the Firefox plugins directory, you have to make sure Firefox knows where the plugins directory is with the MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH variable.

So, to recap, I have:

  • Java installed at $HOME/bin/java
  • Firefox installed at $HOME/bin/java/firefox
  • Java pluing installed at $HOME/bin/java/firefox/plugins from $HOME/bin/java/jdk…/lib/i386/

Then, I created an environment script that sets all of the paths and variables to make it work:

export PATH=~/bin/java/firefox:~/bin/java/jdk1.6.0_18/jre/bin/:~/bin/java/jdk1.6.0_18/bin/:$PATH
export JAVA_HOME=~/bin/java/jdk1.6.0_18/jre
export MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=~/bin/java/firefox/plugins

Finally, I created a script to launch firefox:


cd ~/bin/java
. ./
firefox --no-remote -P WebEx

And, it worked!

Ayatana Project

The other day, I ran across the Ayatana Project.  I guess that is the parent project for some of the applets at the top of the Ubuntu desktop.  The home for the project is here.

I noticed that they have a Evolution indicator.  A Thunderbird version might be nice, and a GMail version would be even better for me.

The indicator applet is what got me started looking at this project.  I currently have Empathy (allows me Google-Talk access) and Evolution in this applet.  I saw a question about Skype, which looked really great.  I would love to see what else they can put in here, like GMail, Skype, Facebook, etc.

Google Voice Latency Problem

I have been using Google Voice with Skype for a little while now, but I have been having quality problems.  There is a 1 to 2 second delay between the time a say something and the person on the other line hears it.  I thought maybe it was the Linux, PulseAudio, Skype combination, but I have since found the same thing happens when I use my home phone or my cell phone.

I found that I am not the only one who has the problem:

Google Voice Help Forum

As “Papa Bear” suggested, I sent feedback on my problem with this link.  I am trying to raise awarness of the problem now, but I am not sure what else I can do other than quit using it for the time being.  If anyone has any ideas for extra information, please let me know!

Workaround for Posting Pictures to Facebook

I have tried the Facebook export tool for F-Spot, but I couldn’t get it to work.  Thanks to rvf0068, I have a bug report link, and hopefully the bug gets fixed soon.  In the meantime, this is what I have found that works:

  1. Select in F-Spot the photos you want to upload.  I have been creating a Facebook tag and applying that to the pictures I want to share via Facebook.  Then, I can search for that tag and highlight all of them with the tag.
  2. Go to Photo > Export to > Folder …
  3. Choose a temporary folder as the destination
  4. Choose “Save the files only” for the Export Method
  5. Log into the Facebook
  6. Go to Profile, then Photos
  7. Create a new Album
  8. Using the Java Applet, browse to the temporary folder and upload those pictures.

More F-Spot/Facebook Troubleshooting

I tried today to get the F-Spot export to Facebook working again(continuing from the other day).  I changed the default browser to Firefox, and I took my laptop to a different network.  When I came back, it asked me to login to Facebook and everything looked right.  But, the export tools just quits at this point:


I have left the tool like this for hours, and still nothing happens.

When I run from the command line:

f-spot --debug

I get:

[Debug 22:43:28.010] Authorizing Session
[Debug 22:43:28.546] Session established, fetching user info...
[Debug 22:43:28.811] Session established, fetching friend list...
[Debug 22:43:28.984] Session established, fetching friend details...
[Debug 22:43:29.663] Session established, fetching photo albums...

On a different note, I was able to get the zooomr export tool to work.  I used it to put the screenshot for this post in.

WebEx Error

I have been struggling to get WebEx to work now that I have upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04.  I get the error below, and it failes to continue loading.  If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.  I did just upgrade to Firefox 3.5, but that didn’t fix the problem.  I also did a search on Google, and that didn’t turn up anything.
at Method)
at Method)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(

I did check to make sure I had the ubuntu-restricted-extras and the libstdc++5 installed from this earlier post.