Category: Software to Watch

Oracle on Eclipse

I saw the new release today of Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

I found this quote on Oracle’s website:

Eclipse is one of several open source communities (Apache, PHP, and Glassfish are other examples) in which Oracle invests significant development resources. A Strategic Developer and Board Member of the Eclipse Foundation, Oracle is a leading participant in the Eclipse Web Tools Platform and Technology projects.

It is just interesting to me since I work with Oracle’s PeopleSoft software.  I waiting for Eclipse to be used with PeopleSoft!

Linux Mac Crossover

I found an interesting article today about making Linux look like a Mac.  The thing is that I don’t necessarily want to go all the way, but I would like to steal a few things from their side of the world.

Make Your Linux Desktop Look Like A Mac – Mac4Lin Project Documentation

The big thing that caught my eye was the AWM on page 3.   I had trouble following the instructions though.  These instructions worked a little better:

HOWTO: functional eye-candy with Avant-Window-Navigator and Affinity

Two Great Reviews

Today, I found two great reviews with a nice list of software to watch or install.

First, Linux Format Magazine published a posting announcing the releasing of Ubuntu 7.10, which included a review of the release:

Not only does the author describe his experience with installing the new version, but he also provides some nice ideas for software to install such as vlc, k3b, Kino, ardour, Google Earth & Desktop, VMWare Server, and MythTV.

Another article I found from Linux Format Magazine was about installing Slackware:

The Perfect Desktop — Slackware 12

This article also listed numerous software install ideas along with detailed explanations on how to install the system.  The article also points out that the HowToForge also has other similar articles for other distributions.  I haven’t tried it but the Linux Distribution Chooser sounded very interesting too.

Software to Watch: Haiku

Google release a Tech Talk on Haiku.  In a nut shell, Haiku is a new operating system based on BeOS that is designed specifically for the desktop.

In the talk they mentioned that they have some bugs, but once they get those worked out, I wonder if this will be the killer OS that competes directly with Windows for the home desktop.

My biggest question is drivers.  Can I load it onto my laptop?  Will the wireless work on my laptop?  Right now, I don’t have the time to try it, but I will let you know if and when I do.


Haiku: Introducing the Operating System

Haiku Home Page